
Image: Elektronik CD No 1

Arno "World of Dreams" (IC 2213-2)

Fließende Kaskaden, dezente Rhythmik, sich langsam aufbauende Soundstrukturen, geprägt von gut durchdachten Melodiebögen und einem sicheren Gespür für Harmonien.
Moving cascades, decent rhythms, slowly developing sound structures combined with brilliant melodies and a good sense for harmonies.

Tracks: Raindance, Red Earth, Palace of Ice, World of Dreams, Island, No Frontiers, Chain Reaction, Desert Voices

Image: Elektronik CD No 2

Dancing Fantasy "Moonlight Reflections" (IC 720.171)

Über 350 Stationen in den USA waren von dieser CD begeistert. Kosmische Surf-Musik mit einem tierischen Groove. Locker und begeisternd.
More than 350 U.S. radio stations were enthusiastic about this CD. Cosmic Surf-Music with an incredible groove. Easy-going and totally cool.

Tracks: Quiet Beauty, Moonlight Reflections, Nightbreeze, Twilight Journey, Dancing on a Summernight with You (instr.), Voodoo Jammin', Mercury-Rising, Blue Bamboo, Stardust, Nautilus, Dancing on a Summernight with You (vocal), Imagine, Voodoo Jammin', California Grooves, Yo!

Image: Elektronik CD No 3

Megabyte "Go for It !" (IC 710.106)

Kommentar STEREOPLAY: "... eingängige elektronische Klanglandschaften... und vielschichtige Arrangements..." Eine faszinierende CD!
Quote STEREOPLAY: "... impressive electronic audio-landscapes... and multi-dimensional arrangements..." A fascinating CD!

Tracks: Deep Water, Sounds, Africa, Breathpipe, Time Out, Last Flight, Voyager, Sounds (Ambient Overdrive Mix)

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© The artists; TMS Verlag, 28209 Bremen, Germany.
Production: RT-Distribution, P.O.Box 2333, 58265 Gevelsberg, Germany. All rights reserved.